2025 Mid-Year Missions


subTop missionTrips

2015 Myanmar

Ruminating on the mission to Myanmar

aoa 04bVery often, overseas mission participants encounter skeptics who say, "What can you do in a one week mission?" Some mission participants may also have such self-doubts. I think it is necessary for me to clarify and reassure everyone that even in a short one week mission, we, as a body of Christ have touched the lives of many, bringing them joy, happiness, hope and encouragement, through our interaction with the girls in the homes, the kindergarten children, the tuition children, Fr Charles' street children from the slums, the many parents and kids who received medical attention, the families whose houses we rebuilt, the families whom we visited and distributed love parcels, etc.

In tangible terms, we imparted new skills and knowledge to the girls in the homes during English lessons, Ready-For-Work preparation, computer lessons, Catechism sessions, sewing lessons, baking classes and the human trafficking video. It may be only a week of learning but the girls would have been exposed to new possibilities that they can leverage on for continued learning.

From Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar with love

This is a special sharing from Sr Rosalyne who spent a week with some special people during the ACTS Myanmar mission.

Click here to read this heartfelt letter >


Online registration for ACTS Missions begins 16th May

201505 ACTS Poster Myanmar


Project Mingalabar by Ruth Khaw

This self-initiated project by a group of young 13 year olds is an inheritance of the Apostle’s spirit despite their age. How proud the parents must be!

This project is titled Project Mingalabar, which means ‘Hello’ in Burmese.

There are seven girls in our group, Tan Junn Faye, Andrea Nelson, Clarinda Ong, Amanda Yap, Rebekah Seow, Vivienne Teo and myself. We are from CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School Sec 2 and we spent the latter half of 2014 completing this project.

The aim was to raise money to help the Salesian Sisters build a kindergarten in Yangon.

ACTS mission trips to Cambodia   ACTS mission trips to Laos   ACTS mission trips to Myanmar   ACTS mission trips to Philippines   ACTS mission trips to Vietnam